All of our doors are manufactured to the highest quality standards. Having achieved BSI ISO 9001, Pas-23, Pas-24 and Secured by Design accreditation. You can be completely confident that Solidor manufacture to only the highest standards.
Maximum and minimum sizes stated are based on standard PVC threshold. Sizes will vary dependant on threshold and cill type.
● Solidor composite doors are PAS23-24 compliant.
● The ultimate composite door for security and durability.
● All Glass used at Solidor Composite Doors is Toughened to British Standards.
● All sealed units used in Solidor Composite Doors are compliant with BSEN1279.
● Solidor hold BSI ISO 9001 and Secured by design accreditation.
All Solidor composite doors are 48mm thick. Of the 48mm, 44mm is solid hardwood block, no foam in sight! At Solidor we believe that our customers deserve a premium door at a competitive price.
The solid core is one of the major reasons why our door is so strong and secure. The slab itself starts life as a hardwood block external fire door, it is then C.N.C machined to suit our various styles of durable skins.
At Solidor we are always looking for ways to improve our products and service. With this in mind we have recently become the first door manufacturer to upgrade all of our hardware to the fully matching exclusive Pro Style suite, incorporating a stylish 12 inch letter-plate, door knocker, designer handle option, adjustable hinges and a multi-point lock with a stainless steel face plate. To take advantage of our continuous product improvement policy, order your Solidor today!
Electric strikers, digital keypads are also available on request Traditional rim and key operated multi locks are available on all of our door styles.
Our stable door locking is a specially designed multi point locking system which brings up to the minute security features together with traditional practicality
Timber can make a significant contribution to sustainable construction
1. Wood is naturally renewable
2. It is independently certified to be sourced from sustainably managed forests
3. Doors with timber cores save energy
4. They last longer
5. They add to our quality of life
6. They have fewer environmental impacts
than other materials
All of the timbers used in our doors are harvested from forests that are managed to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations
We have upgraded our standard multi-point locking system to offer our customers far greater security benefits at no extra cost! The high security multi point lock is fully tested to PAS23-24 and Secure-By-Design standards!
Two 25mm throw steel hooks together with a nickel plated sprung latch, 16mm throw nickel steel dead bolt provides the Trulock with maximum strength in the centre of the Solidor.
Electric strikers, digital keypads are also available on request Traditional rim and mortice locks are available on all of our door styles.
Stable door locking is traditionally a 5 lever BS approved sash lock and a BS approved deadlock together with a specially designed stable door bolt.
To allow for every circumstance we offer the largest range of door thresholds. All of our Stormguard
aluminium thresholds are Part 'M' compliant within the
latest Building Regulations for easy access.
Our door as standard benefits from Webar door frame reinforcing. Werbar is manufactured from 100% recycled plastic of which most is actually first generation UPVC windows. Werbar has better screw retention and also far superior insulation properties retaining much more heat than steel or aluminium.
For more than a year now, all Solidor customers have benefitted from a specially designed glazing system. The new glazing system is a screw cassette and is designed to meet pas23-24 standards.
Solidor use the best cassette system available on todays market manufactured from A.B.S instead of styrene. The composite door cassette allows easy self glaze on site or at your own premises, saving not only time in our factory, but on site during bespoke glazing.
The main benefit is the look! We were one of the very first companies to use this system- as always leading the way in high quality composite doors!